O Lord

 The Legendary blessed son of Lord Shiva, O Mars, In Glory, The mightiest of the mighty, O wielder of the bolt, save us to the farthest shore of distress in safety, wards off all attacks of mischief,

Obeisance to you; again and again

Friday, August 17, 2007

मंगल ग्रह

पृथ्वी पुत्र भोम मंगल ग्रह के नाम से जाना गया जो सूर्य के बाद अत्यंत शक्तिशाली ग्रह है

शिव पुत्र भोम ही मंगल के नाम से जाना जाता है 
पृथ्वी पुत्र भोम की महिमा अपरम्पार है 
भक्त अभक्त के भेद दे दूर नहीं है मंगल ग्रह
पृथ्वी पर सर्व भोम  अतार्थ सभी का कल्याण  करना ही मंगल का मूल मंत्र है
पृथ्वी पर मंगल का परम वाचस्व है 
जो कार्य कोई भी ग्रह सबसे अधिक समय में करता है वही कार्य यह ग्रह परम शीघ्र  अपनी गति अनुरूप  करता है 
Mars is known as the son of Earth and is the pure blessing of Lord Shiva.
Mars represents_

Brothers in family life
Red color among the stream of light
Power to lead from the forefront
Strength to sustain even at odds
Masculine by nature
Indicates aerial journeys in thoughts
Refined taste but bare of sweetness
Metallic soundness
Tough to bear
Public address giants
Source of willpower

Mars represents,
Coral in Gem
South in direction
Strength in body
Red in colors
Blood in Body
Sharpness in intellect

Mars by nature,
Friendly with Sun, Moon, and the Jupiter
Normal to Rahu, Ketu and Saturn
Enemy to Mercury

Ever friendly to the zodiac sign

Indifferent to Zodiac Sign Virgo and Gemini

 Exalted in Capricorn
Debilitated in cancer   

Indicates a lot of favors for life when placed in the 3rd and 11th house of the zodiac

Mars reflects unto the truth of willpower,
Well-placed Mars in Zodiac indicates high willpower

Mars reflects unto the knowledge of senses
It may lead one to the status of surgeon if reflects in medical science,

 Mars reflects unto stability and indicates rigidity
It helps one to attain Military and Paramilitary jobs to prove the caliber

Mars reflects a lot unto Desire and Sensuality
It leads one from the forefront to the truth of sensual pleasure of deep magnitude

Mars is a truth of Vibrating Energy
It imparts energy to life and nature on the planet

Mars is not as fast as that Moon yet a planet with a vibrant pace
The impact of Mars is a hard bear for anyone but the blessings of Mars turn a pauper into a king

Mars reflects unto easy bounce both ways
It may lead one to the truth of hypocrisy and gambling but on another hand, it took hardly any time to represent the truth of self at the divine pitch

Mars Never let it exhaust whatever pace it may be
It induces life even at the last moments to make a wonderful farewell

Mars, the warrior,
Higher mind and downwards tendencies-engage life in a long battle, to win this fight of the higher mind, the truthfulness of the warrior is a must subject, and Mars act as an indicator,

Mars, the truth of Struggle
The hardship of life needs a fair struggle to counter its negative pace and Mars is the truth of uninterrupted struggle for the win

Mars, though a Fire yet indicates endurance at varying junctions
To win the battle of life it needs Courage, patience, and persistence and Mars indicates them all suitable

The Youth, power, and the Pace

Without whom men do not conquer, whom they when fighting call on for help, who has been a match for everyone, who moves on immovables; he is Mars

The chief of pace who as soon as manifest surpassed the gods in power; before whose vehemence the two worlds trebled by reason of the greatness of his valor; he is Mars

Who is the cause of fame for Mother Earth, indeed a warrior to safeguard the legitimate interest of Earth, who measure out the air more widely, who supported heaven; he is Mars

Who is like a winning gambler that takes the possessions of the foe, he is Mars

Who is Saviour of Suppliant, Brahman, poor and helper of depressed and depraved; he is Mars

Even mighty warriors of the universe bow down before him, before his vehemence even the death afraid, who holds to key to nature and life; he is Mars

who slay the demons before the fraction of a second, who forgive not the arrogant man his arrogance but keeps the heart for ultimate welfare; he is Mars

O Almighty Mars, your kind honor is known for helping the life in varying forms,

For devotees and followers, you driveway the hatred, distress, and diseases in all respect from all directions of life,

O Almighty Mars, the merciful hand of yours is a healing touch and giver of relief from the fire that not only ruins the outer but inner pace of spirit too,

Who is called on with invocations and with oblations, i would appease may he, the compassionate one, bless the life for good in all respect,

In the infinite count of stars mars has its own pace and glory visible even by the naked eye,
Mars in the sky is conspicuous by its red color,

Mars on its effects on the moon cause monthly course in women which cause women capable of conceive
and in man, it is Mars that adds the pace to sensuality for the origin of the new light

Almighty Creator of the universe has created this universe with a single matter that remains forever but in three states of colors
Red, which indicates unto activities
White, which indicates the peace and bliss
Black, for changeover mode

Red belongs to Mars

Indeed Mars represents Night, the night that brings the world to rest, rest to recharge for a new origin

Indeed it is true but Mars is a killer of demons and evil spirits take no time in action

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः अवन्तिदेशोद्भव भारद्वाजगोत्र रक्तवर्ण भौमाय नमः
मंगल ग्रह परम विशिष्ट ग्रह है 
मंगल ही मांगलिक  योग का कारण भी है व् अमंगल निवारण हेतु परम सेतु भी
मंगल ही जीवन में मंगल की रूप रेखा का रचयिता भी
विवाह में मंगल की भूमिका अहम् है
किसी  भी  विवाह में मंगल की शुद्धि परम आवश्यक सूत्र है
उच्च अंशो में स्थित मंगल बल को रूप देता है 
निम्न अंशो में स्थित हो कर यह दुर्बल स्थिति का कारण बनता है
मंगल का प्रत्येक राशी पर ब्रह्मण काल ४५ दिन का होता है पर यह वक्री गति के कारण समाया सीमा से बंधता नहीं 
मंगल दोष निवारण हेतु रूद्र अर्चन ही परम सुगम साधन है 
श्री हनुमान जी की पूजा मंगल दोष निवारण में परम सहायक है
पृथ्वी के सेवा से मंगल सर्वाधिप प्रसन्न होता है  पृथ्वी की सेवा से अभिप्राय है की पृथ्वी के संसाधनो को प्रदूषित ना किया जाये व् पर्यावरण की मान्यता का मान हो 
पृथ्वी  को वृक्षों से सुशोभित करने पर मानव मंगल के असीम  कृपा का पात्र होता है 
मेष व् वृश्चिक राशी के स्वामी है मंगल 
 यदपि चन्द्रमा मंगल के मित्र है तब पर भी यह उनकी राशी में नीच गति को प्राप्त हो धारक को उसके अनुरूप  फल देता है 
बुद्ध ग्रह को ही  मात्र ग्रह मंगल शत्रु की दृष्टि से देखता है 
चंद्रमंगल व् गुरु मंगल योग बहु आयामी शुभ  फल प्रद मन जाता है  
प्रथम चतुर्थ सप्तम अष्टम व् द्वादस भाव में स्थित मंगल जातक को मांगलिक योग से परिचय करता है 
मांगलिक योग शुभ व् अशुभ दोनों ही प्रकार के फल प्रदान करते है 
मेष गत मांगलिक शुभ प्रद होता है स्वग्रही मांगलिक भी अशुभ नहीं होता 
अधि योग कारक मांगलिक भी अशुभ नहीं होता  
मंगल यदि जन्म पत्री में किसी भी शुब योग का कारण बनता है केंद्र या त्रिकोण में स्थित हो कर यहाँ चन्द्र कुंडली भी परिपूर्ण मान पाती है तो मांगलिक दोष दूर हो जाता है 
अन्यथा स्तिथि में राहू केतु व् शनि भी मंगल के परिहार है अतार्थ मांगलिक दोष निवारण हेतु इनकी भी भूमिका की सहायता ली जा सकती है 

Exalted  Mars Indicates 
possessing power and great fervor
Great strength
Princely life
Sensual Joy
fair skill

Mars_The Fire {Agni}

O Agni,
The pace of this universe and the cause of life, please be gracious to bless the life for a meaningful journey with success at its conclusion

Optimize pace of yours redefines the fate to favor whereas intermittent pace makes one suffer and high pitch pace ruins the self even

Please be easy to access to us, as a father to his loving son, abide us truly for our well-being on the planet

Agni, domestic priest, the divine ministrant of the sacrifice, invoker, and the bestower of treasure

May Agni the invoker, of wise intelligence, the true, of the most brilliant frame, the god comes with gods

To thee, O Agni, day by day, O illumine of gloom, we come with thought bringing homage

Just what good thou, O Agni, wilt do for the worshipper, that purpose of thee comes true

O Agni, the worshipper and sacrifice though encompassed on every side, that same goes to the gods

Through Agni may one obtain wealth day by day and prosperity, glorious and most abounding in heroes

Agni to be magnified by past and present seers, may he conduct the gods here

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please